General Flynn
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Black Robe Revival
Guest Piece Written by Kris Hager
September 04, 2024
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In 1760 the most feared and formidable force known to mankind was the British Army and Navy.  That great power held all other armed forces in contempt, including the paltry forces of the colonies, the American militia or whatever they called themselves in those bygone days.  But there was a force in America that was in fact formidable and a force that caused great concern in the halls of power in London.  And that was the Black Robes.

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September 11, 2024
Don't miss this episode of Inside The SCIF!

Get ready for an in-depth look into UFC welterweight champion Colby Covington's journey inside and outside the octagon. Join us for a bold take on the 2024 election and an important discussion on leadership and its impact on America.

September 08, 2024
Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost.

As the former highest military intelligence officer, my priorities weren't tied to any political party. They were simply American. I served our great nation for over 33 years, and I'm not finished yet.

Please watch #Flynn - Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost by visiting

September 01, 2024
Panama — it’s now or never!

The Panama Canal and the CCP’s influences. It’s all part of the One Belt Initiative. The Digital Initiative and achieving global dominance. Another reason we must win in NOV.

Thank you for having me on the show, X22

Hold 🔥🔥🔥

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September 14, 2024

I'm overwhelmed.

Today, I received a flyer for the new documentary called This is Treason on the missing border children, and the appalling things it describes. I spent $10 to watch it and feel utterly helpless in this cause. I have no evidence but the link to offer to law enforcement. The best I can do is Trump or a great organization can unite us in soladarity to stop this horror. Here is the documentary website if your interested or have advice, .

I await the Lord for a direction, pray with me for HIS help.

September 11, 2024
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The Rise of Political Correctness
From Marx to Gramsci to Trump. by Angelo M. Codevilla
I am consistently asked how best to wake up communities and get citizens involved; Reading and sharing the article below is a good start. 
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November 12, 2023
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Worldwide Transformations

Americans are living through a point in history that will come to be known as a testing period for freedom loving patriots. Throughout these times, many of us will have the opportunity to establish who we are and what we’re capable of. Our Constitutional Republic hangs at the precipice of existence, and once it’s crushed, it may only be restored by a miracle.

Drastic worldwide transformations are on the not-so-distant horizon. American will either move toward the New World Order, and follow Joe Biden’s plan to Build Back Better by accepting that climate change and social friction are our most arduous threats, or we can revive the United States and make it clear to the world that patriots have the resolve to stand for what’s right.

The phrase “know your enemy” comes from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Sun Tzu says, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” So, then who are the enemies of America? Our primary enemy is the shadowy government manipulating you to hate someone else, trying to strip us of our individual national identity and human rights.

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Artificial Intelligence

The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare

By Michael T. Flynn, LTG, U.S. Army, (Retired)

Boone Cutler, SGT, U.S. Army, (Retired)

US Army Sergeant Boone Cutler and I decided to write a series on “Fifth Generation Warfare” and Session I, The Citizens Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) became an instant bestseller. We were obviously pleasantly surprised but what we learned was there was a hunger coming from principally American citizens to better understand what it was that was happening around us. 5GW is a form of warfare that has components of psychological operations, intelligence and information operations, deception, out and out lies, and a manipulation of the cultural and political narratives to shape the behavior of everyday citizens.  We wanted to get people something they could use to fight back. 


As we watched the responses and held many discussions with readers over the early months after the 5GW book came out, we decided to write Session II, The Citizens Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare, How to Fight AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI is exploding on the scene globally and doing so in ways that most Americans aren’t prepared for nor truly understand. AI comes in a variety of different flavors and packaging to hide the realities of the impact it is having on our behavior and more precisely on the behavior of our youth.

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