While I wholeheartedly agree that China is the wolf closest to the sled, this analysis begs the questions, “Have we not learned anything from the past quarter century and why do I feel like the authors are still waging war as though we’re back in the 1940’s?”
Read the damn Chinese manual on irregular warfare. The Chinese are already here. Politically, economically, physically and intellectually.
Yes, we MUST be prepared for all options. In fact, the best plans provide the most options right up until the last possible moment. But we must understand and then begin to root out the espionage and intelligence operations the Chinese have been conducting inside of our borders and our institutions for decades. To be kind, the CIA, FBI and DOD Counterintelligence and C-Espionage efforts are abysmal.
We (the USG) were overly focused on CT (counter-terrorism) for many good reasons but we clearly dropped the glass ball of China (shame on us). The Obama & Biden administrations did nothing to slow down China’s strategic infiltration into America. In some cases, they actually sped up this infiltration.
China’s One Belt Initiative is very real, it is on track globally, and we need to retool how America must deal with it. Just look at ownership or control of every major commercial port on the planet.
Last point, it’s not about needing more multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers that can be taken out by hundreds of dollar stealth drones either. I appreciate you even addressing drones, but why fire a shot and destroy the resources you seek when you can do it with patience and use of elements of economic warfare?
We need to be all in when it comes to this real and dangerous threat.